Sage: what are its benefits and how to use it? : Current Woman The MAG

The one who saves. Far from being an Instagram phenomenon, sage has been recognized for its benefits since ancient Rome. His name sage, also called Salvia salvatrix is derived from salvus, which means “healthy”, “except”, from the verb salvare, "to save". In other words, it is the plant "that saves and delivers". Used for more than four thousand years by shamans, it protects, purifies and harmonizes. Explanations.

The different varieties of sage

Cultivated since Antiquity, sage, which gives off a camphoric smell, forms very leafy tufts. In his book, Sage therapeutic virtues, purification and shamanic rituals, Marie Delclos, specialist in esotericism and initiation traditions, details: “Today we count hundreds of varieties of sage – seven hundred according to some, nine hundred for others. These species are distributed in the Mediterranean basin, southern Europe, Asia Minor and America.”Short tour of the main species:

  • White sage (salvia apiana) comes from North America. It is one of the most important of the sacred herbs used by Native Americans. They also use it in incense for all kinds of ceremonies.
  • Officinal sage (salvia officinalis), also known as domestic sage, sacred herb, tea from Greece or tea from Europe, is one of the most common in the West.
  • Clary sage (salvia sclarea) takes its name from the Greek skleros which means “hard”, “dry” and who gave sklerophalmia "Dry eye". It is used to fight dry eyes but also for mucous membranes. In Charlemagne's time it was called "the clear eye".
  • Hormin sage (salvia horminum), also known as salvia veridis, veridis giving the word "greenness", which evokes youth, power and virility. It is an aphrodisiac.

What are the virtues of sage?

According to the words of the author, "pharmacological specialists have established that Salvia officinalis has active molecules that largely justify the beneficial properties attributed to it by the ancients”. In other words, this plant would have many magical powers. “They discovered many active ingredients that help explain its therapeutic virtues, as well as an essential oil. There are so many principles that research is still ongoing … ” Marie Delclos lists some benefits of sage:

  • Antioxidant properties: they contribute to the good health of the arteries, they preserve the heart and its vessels, reducing the risk of coronary heart disease (infarction) or stroke.
  • Antidiabetic properties: consumption of sage is believed to lower blood glucose levels in humans with diabetes.
  • Toning properties: sage stimulates the adrenal glands. It is used to fight against physical and intellectual overwork. It improves cognitive functions by stimulating the transmission of nerve impulses. This is why it is used to help people with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Digestive properties: sage is also a choleretic plant. In other words, not only does sage stimulate the secretion of bile from the liver, but also its evacuation. This is why it is recommended for people with constipation or gas. It facilitates gastric digestion. It treats inflammation of the esophagus and the entire digestive system (stomach and intestine). It is also recommended after consuming foods high in fat.

Sage: a plant for women

If the healer Theresa Cheung, author of the book Discover the healing powers of the Moon, thinks that it is possible to rebalance your hormones thanks to this magical star, for Marie Delclos, sage would have the same effect. “Sage contains molecules called estrogen flavonoids (because these flavonoids contain estrogen similar to folliculin, an ovarian hormone). Therefore, its action is particularly beneficial for women. These estrogens help the bones to regenerate, so they work against osteoporosis. They also maintain the suppleness of the skin, as well as its firmness and elasticity. They have one protective action on the urogenital system. They promote the conservation of the mammary glands and secondary sexual characteristics of women. They have a tonic action on the uterus. Therefore, sage is recommended after childbirth, promoting rapid recovery. She does reappear the rules, calm the pains and regulate periods. Finally, it facilitates the passage to menopause, reducing, and sometimes even eliminating dizziness and hot flashes.

How to use sage?

It is very easy to add sage consumption to your routine. If you can slip it in many dishes, in its original form, it is also possible to find it in herbal tea or in Essential oil. But to go even further, just take inspiration from shamans and witches. Just as you light incense or Armenian paper, you can dry sage to form small burning sticks.

Its fumigation allows purify a place and cleanse your mind. It would scare away “evil spirits” and serve you “as a go-between or intermediary between several people or between humans and the divine; between humans and nature; between humans and nature spirits”. In other words, the sage smoke allows you to open your chakras, while placing you back in the center of this great “Everything”, in the center of the Medicine Wheel, formalized by the contemporary shaman Sun Bear in 1972 in his work Dancing with the Wheel (Mamas editions), which considers the Medicine Wheel as “a vision that wanted to bring people to have a better relationship to the Earth and to all beings who live on Earth: minerals, plants, animals, humans and spirits”.

Before performing this ritual, it is important not to forget to deactivate the smoke detectors, at the risk of triggering the alarms. Light your sage stick clearing your mind for you focus on the desire for purification. Once the sage has been spread throughout the room, you can place your stick in a small bowl of water to prevent a fire. Formalize an intention, purify your stones, say a prayer, call your protective spirits, draw the cards … All you have to do is appeal to your clairvoyance gifts.

Box Sage the book & the purifying stick, Marie Delclos, Éditions Grancher – 29 euros

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