Saving: There is never more argument about money in the relationship

He tries to put something aside month after month, but she prefers to make dreams come true while shopping. She tries to save money for the next love vacation, but he cheers up the coal with buddies in the pub. When such situations arise, the next relationship argument about money is not far!

Two thirds of all couples have argued for money, it is said. Most of the time, one of the main reasons is that the partners have different ideas about economy. How do you get out of the dilemma?

The simple – but not necessarily easy – solution for affected couples: talk to each other! It's best to discuss the thrift conflict even before it occurs. Sit down and clarify your hopes and expectations together: How economical do you want to be, what do you expect from your sweetheart? Try to understand each other: There is no right or wrong way to handle money – the important thing is that you both have your ideas clear.

But even if something bothers you in everyday life – for example, that your boyfriend cuts out all the coal or your partner has a hedgehog in your pocket – you should speak to it directly so that no problems can build up.