School strike: why the mobilization of teachers embarrasses the executive

Jacques Serais, edited by Gauthier Delomez and Manon Fossat
, modified at

1:55 p.m., January 12, 2022


A first since the start of Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term: the eleven teachers’ unions alongside the main federation of parents of students called for a massive strike on Thursday. In question, the exasperation vis-a-vis the multiple changes of the health protocol in the schools. Half of the establishments should remain closed Thursday, a day during which 75% of the staff could go off work. A mobilization that thrills some advisers to the executive, while the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, crystallizes anger.

The ultra flammable potential of such mobilization

The Head of State has made keeping schools open his strategy, the singularity of France in the face of the spread of the Omicron variant with regard to other European countries. A claimed asset, a trump card in this campaign on the way to turning into a stone in the presidential shoe. Last week, Emmanuel Macron himself admitted the error of his Minister of National Education in front of a teacher: “I give you the point, we need more anticipation”, conceded the president, a bit annoyed by publication of the protocol in the press, the day before the start of the school year.

A week later, the protocols have continued to evolve, and it is Jean Castex who has stepped up to the plate. In the macronie, some see it as a disavowal on the part of the Prime Minister for Jean-Michel Blanquer. An attempt also to contain the start of a fire. The executive knows the ultra flammable potential of a mobilization of teachers three months before the presidential election.

Do not lose points before the presidential election

Emmanuel Macron, who has so far enjoyed a relatively good image in terms of the management of the health crisis, has no desire to lose points in this home stretch. The head of state who found himself facing another mobilization, that of caregivers, Tuesday, who demand more resources for the hospital. Several demonstrations took place all over France, especially in Paris.

Guest of Europe at noon on Wednesday, Jean-Paul Brighelli, associate professor of letters, teacher and French essayist specializing in education issues, said he was opposed to the teachers’ strike movement scheduled for Thursday. “The Minister of Education is right when he says that we do not go on strike against a virus. Children have been screwed up for two years by a policy of appalling school restrictions and which Jean never did -Michel Blanquer but who comes from the medical authorities which have taken power in this country “, he lamented.

“A political strike”

Jean-Paul Brighelli also considered that a strike against Olivier VĂ©ran or Professor Delfraissy would be justified. “I fully understand that we are going on strike against the absolutely unbelievable restrictions imposed on students who ask only to take courses and who, in addition, do not risk anything. All the studies prove it. the professors meanwhile do not risk much. Since the start of the epidemic, not a single one has died from the Covid, “he said.

According to him, the solution is to leave the classes open and that only sick children are forced to stay at home. “We spend our time testing people who have no symptoms. Obviously we find positive people because the testers are quite sensitive. But imagine that you are tested for the Covid, the cold, the flu … We have all already gone to class being a little sick “, he continued before assuring that this strike is” a very political strike “.

“We are trying to make Blanquer pay on the one hand for a catastrophic health policy and on the other, a number of ministerial decisions such as, for example, the experimentation in the Paris region of the new alpha syllabic method. teachers said it was corporalism, that we wanted to impose methods on them. While they continue to use others that make the students as stupid as possible. But I hope that no parent will comply to such absurd injunctions. “

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