senators want Ple Emploi to keep its name

The senators adopted in committee the bill “for full employment”, preserving the name of Pôle emploi within the future France Travail network and making several modifications to the support system for RSA recipients, according to a press release Thursday. .

The bill, which will be examined at first reading in the Chamber from July 10, should give birth to France Travail to better coordinate the players in the public employment service.

The aim is to have the same entry procedure for all people looking for work or encountering integration difficulties, whatever door they knock on.

The executive is betting on this transformation to achieve full employment, i.e. an unemployment rate of around 5% in 2027 (against 7.1% currently), against the backdrop of the idea that no one is unemployable.

The government has planned that Ple emploi will call itself France Travail on January 1, 2024 and be the chief operator of this network.

In committee, the senators adopted an amendment by the rapporteur Pascale Gruny (LR) so that Ple emploi does not become the operator France Labora name which must be reserved for the network of employment actors, in order to avoid any confusion.

They specified that the France Travail network should, in addition to its mission of supporting job seekers, provide a response to the needs of employers.

Regarding the more personalized and directive support for RSA recipients that the government wishes to put in place, the senators specified in the text that the employment contract concluded with the job seeker or the recipient of the RSA must define a duration of weekly activity of at least 15 hours.

The government had not formally enshrined these hours in the law (immersions, refresher courses, CV writing, etc.), the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt wishing that they be an objective suited to everyone.

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