Sex report 2023: This is how it crackles in German bedrooms

It’s that time again: Punctually at the beginning of the year amorelia also published the big sex report again. For this purpose, 2,000 people between the ages of 18 and 65 were asked about their love life in order to identify the sex trends for the next twelve months. And there’s a lot going on in the bedrooms. Flower sex is still allowed, but it has already had a lot of competition from one or the other kink. But is kinky the new sexy?

Hard facts: How often does the box rattle?

30 percent said they had sex several times a week. In contrast, there are 21 percent who have fun less than once a month. 36 percent let it rip several times a month. Above all, masturbation is very popular. 71 percent of those surveyed said solo sex was an important part of their sexuality, seven percent only do it together with their partner, 23 percent do both.

What turns on?

In addition to the classics cuddling, petting and head cinema, land porn fourth in the list of most popular pleasure makers, closely followed by unexpected touches. Surprisingly, 25 percent said feeling sexy about themselves is a total turn on. When it comes to seduction, the majority (40 percent) of those surveyed prefer to take a passive role, while only 13 percent take the scepter in their own hands.

Fast or slow, hard or soft?

The preferences of the respondents are less surprising, however. Most prefer to take the submissive instead of the dominant part. Slow sex is more popular than fast sex and most prefer it soft to hard. When it comes to the willingness to experiment, the result is evenly balanced: some like their tried-and-tested favorite position, while the other half likes to dare something new.

What are you thinking about right now?

Who doesn’t have them, the small, hot fantasies? But not everyone wants to live it out, for many just the thought of how it could be is enough. For example, a threesome: 26 percent dream of it, while 18 percent have already experienced it. Closely followed by group sex, which ranks second with 22 percent of fantasies, while 13 percent have already been part of it. Third place goes to sex parties and swinger clubs. The most popular places for a hot fuck? Beach, hotel and the all-time favorite car are of course included. But also the good old washing machine and the airplane.

Unfortunately, orgasm gap is still real

Unfortunately, men are still far more likely to orgasm than women. While 86 percent of men climax during sex, only 56 percent of women do. The best way for women to cum is still through masturbation. Penetrative sex is only successful for every fourth woman.

Source: Amorelia


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