Sexual orientation and relationship forms: what pansexuality and co. Mean

Model Cara Delevingne and other stars describe themselves as pansexual. What does that mean anyway? An explanation of the most important terms.

Most people are familiar with heterosexuality and homosexuality. But the sexual diversity is much greater. Model Cara Delevingne (28) or singer Demi Lovato (28) describe themselves as pansexual. What sexual orientations and forms of relationships are there? An overview of the different terms.

Sexual Orientations: Who Do People Find Attractive?

“A person’s sexual orientation describes who is romantically, physically and / or sexually attracted to people of which gender or gender, regardless of sexual practice and sexual preference”, defines the Braunschweig Center for Gender Studies. Over the past few years, new terms for certain preferences have emerged.

Heterosexuality and homosexuality

The Greek word “heteros” in heterosexuality means “unequal”. So it is a relationship between two people who are not assigned the same gender, i.e. in this case: man and woman. A man is therefore drawn to women – and vice versa.

The term homosexuality contains the Greek word “homo” – which means “equal”. With this sexual orientation, a person finds people of the same sex attractive. So, for example: men are into men, women are into women.

However, both terms are becoming less and less clear. Why? They relate to two genders, so assume that a person belongs to one gender. In the meantime, however, one speaks of more than two genders. Finally, there are also people of different sexes.


Are you attracted to both men and women? Then one speaks of bisexuality. Caution: The term is an umbrella term for all sexual orientations in which a person can find people of two or more genders sexually and emotionally attractive, explains the Braunschweig Center for Gender Studies. In the meantime, the term is therefore also considered a political identity, not just a sexual one.

Pansexuality and omnisexuality

People who identify as pansexual are attracted to people regardless of their biological gender or gender identity. Pansexuals feel drawn to men and women, but also to intersex people or people with fluid, non-binary gender identities, also known as transgender people. The Greek syllable “pan” – in English “all” – expresses this. In omnisexuality, the Latin syllable “omni” has the same meaning as “pan” in Greek.


Polysexual people have a lot in common with pansexuals: They are attracted to people in general – regardless of gender identity or biological gender. There is one small, subtle difference, however. Polysexuals are not attracted to all sexualities, only some of them.


There is little or no sexual curiosity? This is how asexual people feel. You are not or only slightly attracted to other people. Conversely, this does not mean that they never have sex.


Allosexuality is the opposite of asexuality, in other words: Allosexual people generally feel a sexual attraction towards others. Therefore, the term can be combined with sexual orientations such as heterosexuality or pansexuality.


One-night stands are almost never an option for demisexual people. Why? You have to build a trusting relationship first in order to feel attraction. Demisexuality is therefore often mentioned as a sub-category of asexuality.


A scoliosexual person is emotionally, physically, and sexually attracted to non-binary people, i.e. people who do not clearly feel that they are either a man or a woman.

Relationship forms: monogamy, polyamory and more

Single, in a relationship, engaged or married? There is more than just the “classic” forms of partnership. Because people don’t always want to commit to one partner.


Those who have a steady partner live monogamous. Monogamous relationships are the most common type of partnership. Usually the partners promise each other’s loyalty. The ultimate in staying together for a lifetime. Regardless of whether it is a relationship or a marriage – that doesn’t always work. If someone has several successive relationships in their life, one speaks of serial monogamy.


It is different with polyamory. Polyamorous people fall in love with more than one person at a time, which is why they have romantic and sexual relationships with more than one person. However, the sexual partners know about the other relationships and agree to them. For example, it also happens that people have a relationship with three people or have another, independent partnership in addition to a partner.


Polyamory, but on a different level: In polygamy, more than two people are married to each other – which is forbidden in Germany and is also considered a criminal offense. In other countries, such as some in Africa and Asia, this type of relationship is allowed. For example, a man can vow to more than one woman there.


Single – but somehow not? Anyone who does not want to commit to entering into a relationship with a sexual partner, but still has a partnership with them, is a so-called mingle. The word is made up of the English terms “mixed” and “single”. The mingle status is roughly equivalent to a friendship with certain advantages or a friendship plus.
