Shopping with children: scenes from the supermarket hell

Shopping with children
Scenes from the supermarket hell

© etonastenka / Shutterstock

Stress tests aren't just for banks – for parents, shopping in the supermarket is one of the worst. Especially when everyone is tired and hungry and the lines at the cash registers are unpredictable. Here pictures to laugh, moan and violently nod.

Carrying the child along to go shopping: Sometimes this is to be taken literally.

A styling that makes every mom green with envy …

It is not for nothing that men are also called big children.

"The kids? I don't know. Probably playing somewhere with the drinks …"

Great idea – but then they forget to bring the milk again.

The main thing is a roof over your head!

"Typically, just drinks and chips again. And where is the dog biscuit?"

This article originally appeared on

Christine Brasch