simple exercises and stretches to do at the office

You don’t have time to go to the gym, your weekends are dedicated to home and family… But you still want to keep in shape? What if you did sports at the office! There are quick and easy exercises to do to help you move discreetly but effectively. Behind your computer, in front of the coffee machine, you will have no trouble fitting these vitality tips into your busy schedule.

Days at the office are often synonymous with stress, back-to-back meetings and urgent files to deal with. The weeks go by and you feel that you lack energy: this feeling is often linked to the lack of sporting activity. A sedentary lifestyle can have repercussions on your health: risks of cardiovascular diseases, poor blood circulation, being overweight, etc. This is why it is necessary to move a minimum each day.

No need to be a pro or a sports addict to practice some simple everyday movements. Thanks to these very easy-to-implement tips, even the most reluctant can easily take a few minutes to stretch and get active, sometimes without realizing it. Try it fitness at the office, it’s adopting it!

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Getting moving in the office: how to get organized

Your schedule is full, you have very little time for lunch and the day risks getting longer with a client meeting outside: this type of scenario is well known, and to avoid getting carried away through the infernal spiral of metro-work-sleep, the key word is organization. Start by listing, grouping and prioritizing your tasks to save time. Give yourself time to concentrate, without any notification or intrusion from a colleague in your office. It may also be interesting to reduce the frequency of eating out. Choose a lunch box prepared at home, a healthier and more economical solution, which will allow you to free up time during your lunch break for some exercises.

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Once your day is organized, all you have to do is incorporate a few very simple movements to perform even while sitting:

  • Position your hands facing each other at chest level and apply pressure, making sure to keep your elbows at the same height. Perform several repetitions: your pecs will thank you!
  • To tone your abdominal muscles: sit with your back straight, open your legs hip-width apart and lift your feet a few centimeters. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds while contracting your abdominals. Guaranteed effectiveness.
  • This movement for the glutes should be on your daily to-do list because it is simple and effective: simply contract your buttocks 20 to 30 times and perform several sets (between 3 and 5 to feel the muscular work).

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Stay active at the office without constraints

You take a coffee break, you need to go to the photocopier, you need to see the IT team….Any excuse is good to move around the office and not having the feeling of “taking time” for it. The trick? Set yourself challenges: go and have your coffee on the floor above by taking the stairs (obviously), do some stretching with your back in front of the photocopier, take advantage of going to the toilet to do a few vertical push-ups on the wall.

One of the best ways to motivate yourself to stay active at the office is to take your colleagues with you. Between 2 meetings or during the lunch break, why not organize challenges: compare the number of steps taken, have a core competition or chair exercises (with your back pressed against a wall and your legs bent at 90°) . You will be able to combine business with pleasure!

Want a relaxing break? Let’s talk about female well-being through sport, healthy lifestyle, nutrition, beauty tips… Without being a fashionista, Emilie stays on the lookout for the latest trends…

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