Single parents tell: "howling? Yes, I often do. Overburdened? Yes, we were too"

Life as a single parent can be quite demanding. After all, the whole burden and responsibility lies predominantly with one person – mostly: with mothers. Because 83 percent of single parents are mothers. In our community, parents shared their experiences.

There are many beautiful moments as a mom, dad or parent – and also stressful ones that push us to our limits. On our Facebook page, parents shared how difficult it can be to be a single parent; and how much respect we should all have for that accomplishment. Because with everything that parents do – and that is often taken for granted by their children – we should remind ourselves more often: We do a lot of things well and correctly. And we can be proud of ourselves. This is also shown by the stories of these parents:

Parents about life as a single parent

Kudos to all super parents

Whether single parent or in a couple family: you are all superheroes. That may sound cheesy, but it’s the truth. Parents themselves often overlook what they achieve in their everyday lives. We want to show you that you are not alone – and that it is okay to be overwhelmed and to make mistakes. The stress you feel is justified and if you are doing great: great! But if you have the feeling that it’s just too much: list what you’ve already done. Whether it’s getting one or more children dressed in the morning, taking them to daycare or school, cooking dinner or playing in the afternoon – all things that we rarely see as successes. But these moments are signs that you care, are doing your best, and are loving parents.

Ralf, the single parent

The report “Ralf, the single parent” was decisive for the very touching and honest stories from parents. This was broadcast on July 6, 2023 and can now be streamed on RTL+. In an experiment, the RTL reporter Ralf Herrmann went into the everyday life of a single mother for a week. There he quickly realized how difficult it can be to manage life with children, whether with one or more children. The interview for the report can be found here:

Ralf, the single parent

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