Sleep problems: 4 habits of people who always sleep through the night

Fall into the trap
4 habits of people who always sleep through the night

© Lia Koltyrina / Shutterstock

If our bodies and minds aren’t in tune with dreaming, we can count as many sheep as we want: we’ll only feel bored instead of tired. With these tricks we not only fall asleep, but also at best through the night.

Do you know what keeps you from falling asleep? Is it the 5-course menu you just devoured with relish? Or the three coffees in the late afternoon against the archenemy “midday low”? Sometimes it’s all at once for me and… cold feet. Any feeling of discomfort, no matter how small, has the power to keep us awake for hours.

Germans sleep an average of 492 minutes a day – eight hours and twelve minutes. Doctors recommend five to twelve hours. What initially sounds like a huge range is easy to explain: Our sleep needs are very individual and depend on things such as health, genes, age and quality. The good news: we can influence the latter ourselves!

Sleep Tips: These habits will keep you in dreamland

1. Routines

Evening rituals and routines go a long way in signaling the body and mind: It’s bedtime. Preparing for sleep doesn’t have to be cumbersome and time-consuming. Small changes and habits that do us good and relax are enough: skincare in the evening, reading, stretching or preparing the basics for tomorrow. Try it, but don’t be hard on yourself. It takes a lot of patience to establish new, healthier habits.

2. Time to relax

The long day with thousands of impressions has to be processed first. Consciously take the time for your body and mind. That means doing a lap on the yoga mat or doing meditations guided with the help of apps. Then: turn off the screen and get a good (audio) book instead! The hormone melatonin is responsible for regulating our day-night rhythm – it makes us tired. Dims the lights to support the payout.

3. Sleep and bed hygiene

Oh, how nice it is to flop into the freshly made bed after a warm shower! In particular, those who sleep naked and those who sweat a lot should get it fresh on a regular basis – otherwise it is enough every two to three weeks. While we’re at it, the bed can also be dusted directly. In order to promote restful sleep, it is advisable to air the room beforehand and keep the room temperature between 18 and 21 degrees.

4.And if all else fails…

… don’t give up! Biphasic sleep does not immediately indicate a disorder. The night has fascinated people for centuries. However, if your sleep is a lasting strain on you, then visit your family doctor to get to the bottom of the cause.


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