Special Florence – Daring the avant-garde with Massimiliano and Ginevra Giannelli

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In their concept store, Limited company, located in the district of Sant’Ambrogio, father and daughter offer a selection of avant-garde designers. A bold bet.

The Societe Anonyme concept store by Ginevra and Massimiliano Giannelli.  An attractive and atypical place.
The concept store Société Anonyme by Ginevra and Massimiliano Giannelli. An attractive and atypical place.

By Vicky Chahine



Florence does not only resonate with Renaissance even though its intrinsic beauty remains miraculous. The city is buzzing with initiatives, innovations: all it takes is often a side step to discover them, cross the Arno and smell the real flavor of the city.

Mixologist or newspaper editor, perfumer or bookseller, museum owner or chef, the real Florentines revealed their secrets to the editorial staff of Le Point. Stories, walks, secret gardens and style are to be found in this new special edition of the “Grand Tour” collection.

The taste of Florence has never been so vivid.

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