Sports exercises not to do that damage the perineum and expose you to urinary leakage

Practicing a sporting activity is essential for good health. But certain exercises can damage the perineum and expose you to urinary leakage. Which ? Answers with Blanche, Fitness Park sports coach.

Sport is ideal for preserving your health capital. According to official government recommendations, it is advisable to do 30 minutes of cardio-type physical activity at least 5 days a week if you are an adult. The goal ? Train your heart and stay in shape. You can also add to this muscle strengthening sessions for concrete buttocks or very firm arms. Nevertheless, some exercises are to be banned to preserve his perineum. This is important because if it is too loose, it can lead to incontinence, urinary leakage… This is often the case after pregnancy and this is the reason why women who have given birth do rehabilitation of the perineum. “If you don’t take care of your perineum, as you age, you risk organ descent, urinary leakage…”, explains Blanche, Fitness Park sports coach.

But what is the perineum? According to Larousse, it is the “region of the body closing the small pelvis below, crossed by the termination of the urinary, genital and digestive tracts.” It’s a very important set of muscles to support the organs, that some badly done exercises can harm. This is the case for example of crunches.

Exercises not to do to avoid damaging your perineum: crunches

Not all exercises to strengthen your abs are bad for the perineum. “You just have to avoid those that bring the navel closer to the pubis because this will create pressure on the viscera, the perineum and part of the abdominal strap”, explains the specialist. Exit crunches: prefer sheathing in front or on the side.

Exercises not to do to avoid damaging your perineum: impact sports

“Anything that makes you run can damage the perineum because each stride tires it by pressing down on the pelvic floor”, explains Blanche, Fitness Park sports coach. It can be football, handball, running… “If you still want to do these sports, you shouldn’t practice too much or practice in addition to sports that strengthen the pelvic floor, such as pilates, swimming or aquagym, for example.”

On the same subject

5 sheathing exercises to relieve back pain

What to do in case of urinary leakage?

If certain good habits make it possible to prevent the appearance of urinary leakage, they can nevertheless occur at different times of life. This can be after childbirth, when the ligaments of the pelvic floor are stretched, but also during menopausea period when hormonal upheavals lead to a loss of tone in certain muscles.

The ideal to be comfortable in this situation? Opt for hygienic protection that is really suitable for small leaks, such as towels TENA Discreet Mini. Both discreet and absorbent, they allow you to stay fresh throughout the day because they are specially designed to quickly absorb the rapid flow of urine. An essential to slip into your bag.

Exercises not to do to avoid damaging your perineum: jumping rope and trampoline

“These activities represent too many impacts for the perineum”. They are not recommended if you want to take care of your perineum. But they can be practiced in small doses and complemented by sports that strengthen the perineum.

How to strengthen your perineum and protect it?

Three sports are perfect for strengthening the perineum according to Blanche, sports coach.

  • sheathing : “It’s an isometric exercise, which consists of maintaining a position. It strengthens the deep muscles that support the organs, the real spine and it strengthens the pelvic floor.”
  • The pile: This allows the strengthening of deep muscles.
  • Sports with low impact: Hiking, walking, cycling, swimming, water aerobics, swimming, aqua aerobics because they are gentle and in the water you do not carry your own weight.
Maude Sebaihi

Lifestyle Journalist

Maude deciphers all the new fashion trends. She takes pleasure in selecting the new nuggets to get, all with a very benevolent look, because in fashion: it …

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