Start the day productively? 9 mistakes that ruin our morning

The morning waking – most of us would rather pull the covers over our heads again and snooze a few times. But so that we can start the day productively and relaxed, we should avoid these mistakes in the morning.

Slumbering too long in the morning, repeatedly pressing the snooze button, slipping into Instagram and forgetting the time. But now get ready quickly and off to work. And bang, the day has only just started and we are already very stressed. Even a positive start to the day influences its further course. Because if you leave the house in a good mood, you won't be upset so quickly.

How we manage to get the day off to a good start depends on various factors. These are the 9 mistakes we all make.

1. First, look at your smartphone

Most of us let our smartphone wake up in the morning. Of course, you can also check messages and emails right away, briefly scroll through various social media channels. But all of this costs valuable time – especially replying to messages and e-mails – which we usually don't have in the morning and which creates stress on the back. It can actually wait until after our morning routine, when we have done everything important that concerns ourselves. And here we come to point two.

2. Not having a morning routine

Having a set routine in the morning is incredibly important. If you let the morning splash around like this, you may be wasting the most productive time of the day. Structure and reliability are therefore incredibly important and until you have them, it takes about 21 days to establish a morning routine and let processes become a habit, explains productivity expert Martin Geiger to

3. Sleep and slumber too long

"The snooze button is the undoing of any morning routine," warns Geiger. And everyone actually knows immediately what is meant and yet we do that to ourselves every morning. Fall asleep, wake up, fall asleep, wake up … crap, so late already. You quickly have wasted all the valuable minutes for a relaxed start to the day and are still not recovered because snoozing is simply not relaxing, it just delays getting up. A bad start to the day.

Tip: Use a conventional alarm clock without a snooze button, you will not even be tempted.

4. Go to bed and get up at different times

Those who regularly go to bed and get up at the same time feel well rested, relaxed and fit, as a study by the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston found. This was proven above all by the grades of the students who examined the scientists for this experiment. Those among them with a regular sleep rhythm got the better grades, those with the irregular sleep got the worse. That means: the more regularly we sleep, the more successful we are because our performance remains consistently high. If you consider that strongly fluctuating sleep times completely confuse our internal clock, that makes perfect sense. Therefore, the same applies here: Establish habits and get fit in the morning.

5. Start the day without a plan

First wake up and then let's see what we will do with this day … You can do that, but it doesn't work if you want to tear something. The crux is: if you start the day haphazardly, you waste a lot of time waiting for something to happen to which you can react instead of acting actively yourself and pushing things forward. Therefore, it is best to write a list the evening before which things you would like to do the next day.

6. Exercise in the morning removes grief and worry

Yes, it's tough: no sooner have you struggled out of a warm bed than we should put on our jogging shoes and venture out into the cold to get our tired bodies going. But: It helps. Exercise stimulates the circulation, wakes you up and releases endorphins – a better way to start the day is actually not. Plus point: In half asleep it almost runs by itself.

7. Doing too much in the morning

Our to-do list is long. Exercise, breakfast, reading the newspaper, tidying up a bit, listening to a podcast, checking social media and maybe turning on a washing machine. The pulse rises as soon as you write it down. It is better to establish small routines gradually first. If we want too much, we often fail because we are overwhelmed or we simply didn't have the time in mind. This is frustrating and we often just prefer to leave it the same instead of adjusting the goals again.

8. Do too many things at the same time

You actually want to make yourself a coffee, collect things lying around on the way to the kitchen, check your e-mails and have your mother on the phone, who really wants to know something. Then it occurs to you that you still have to look for your notebook and actually have no idea which pocket the wallet is in. In the end, you leave the house without coffee and are stressed. It's best to do one thing at a time rather than doing many things at once and just focusing on them. Other things that cost you too much time in the morning anyway, such as packing your bags and thinking about which outfit you should wear, can be done the evening before.

9. Do not use the commute

Answering e-mails, creating to-do lists, checking social media, all of this is super feasible on the way to the office. If you take the train, you can prepare yourself mentally and mentally for your first appointments or find out about interesting topics via podcast. Further training and development to go. You can also integrate your sports program into your commute. Jogging to the office, cycling to work or just getting off one station early and walking the rest – the main thing is to get some exercise before you sit at your desk all day. Makes you awake and clear your mind.