Steffi Graf: Why there is no argument in your family

Steffi Graf
Why there is no quarrel in her family

Steffi Graf speaks about her family in a new interview.

© lev radin / Shutterstock

According to their own statements, there are no arguments in the family of Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi: “This is so far from us,” said Graf.

Steffi Graf (52), her husband Andre Agassi (51) and the children, son Jaden Gil (19) and daughter Jaz Elle (18), seem to lead a perfect family life.

In an interview with the magazine “Gala” Graf reports that the family was grateful for the time together during the corona pandemic: “Actually, our son Jaden wanted to start college, but unfortunately that didn’t work. We both had children a little longer with us. As parents, we of course enjoyed that very much. “

There would have been no conflicts during the crisis either. “In the family, that is something of a distant nature to us,” said the tennis legend. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t any differences of opinion. “But we trust each other and talk to each other, give and take time to think about things.”

The sport is the secret

Graf sees tennis as an explanation for this serenity in the family. “We probably learned that through sport – to focus on challenges and find solutions.” She would like to give her children “a good feeling for themselves and those around them” for their path in life. But it is also important to her “just to have fun in and in life”.

The tennis legend doesn’t need a big “tam-tam” for this. She laughed away the rumors about a second wedding with Agassi on her 20th wedding anniversary on October 22nd and explained: “In our family, birthdays or other bigger days are not so highly valued. We just try to make something special out of every day do. But my husband and I will surely spend a very nice evening together and look back over the years a bit. “


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