Stimulate Fat Burning: 10 Effective Tips

Do you want to stimulate your fat burning? We'll tell you the ten best tips with which you can boost your metabolism and get rid of excess kilos.

What happens when the body burns fat?

Our fat cells store energy – and that was essential for survival in earlier times. Because there used to be no full refrigerator that we could use at any time. Hunger phases were completely normal. If there was nothing to eat, the body drew energy from the reserves of the fat cells. Due to the abundance of food and a lack of exercise, this once clever mechanism now mainly causes one thing: obesity.

And as if that wasn't annoying enough, the general number of fat cells in an adult always stays the same. If the fat deposit is empty, it will be broken down by the body, but then new cells will be formed which will store energy again. In order to be able to permanently stimulate fat burning, we therefore have to eat less than we need and at the same time rely on healthy foods.

10 tips for better fat burning

Do you want to stimulate your fat burning? These tips will help you:

1. Which sport really boosts my fat burning?

The most effective is frequent and long endurance training, such as running, walking or swimming. But the training plan is more important than the choice of sport. "To get rid of as many fat calories as possible, three to four hours a week are ideal," recommends Dr. Ramin Vafa from the Center for Performance Diagnostics at the German Sport University Cologne (pro-medal). "The workload should be made dependent on the fitness level." Beginners start with a quarter of an hour, the minimum for those who are trained is 30 to 45 minutes three times a week, advanced users should first increase the frequency, then the duration and finally the intensity.

2. I like to work out doing sports. Do I always have to train at a heart rate of 130 to burn fat effectively?

If you push yourself to the limit, you won't lose as much body fat. "I actually burn off the most calories when I run very fast. This increases energy consumption, and thanks to the negative calorie balance, you lose weight," explains sports expert Vafa. "However, the body primarily relies on carbohydrates. If I want to burn fat and achieve health benefits, I have to keep an individually low pulse – 130 beats per minute is only a guideline." Conclusion: Beginners should rely on the long term, trained people can push the intensity and use your muscles harder to burn fat.

3. I can last for a maximum of half an hour – does that actually help the fat burning?

According to researchers, there is a mini-effect in it, but neither condition nor fat burning can really be boosted in this way. "If someone only lasts half an hour after the first few weeks of training, the pace is not right," believes Ramin Vafa. Better: Run in such a way that you don't run out of breath.

4. Our metabolism needs oxygen to burn fat – is it more effective to exercise outdoors?

The oxygen in the air is also sufficient in the gym. But outside our immune system is even more stimulated, and nature offers more variety. This makes it easier for many to lose body fat.

5. First strength training, then endurance sports or vice versa – which is better for burning fat?

Once you have completed your endurance training, the metabolism for fat gets better. The other way around, the body first activates the carbohydrate metabolism through strength training.

6. What should I avoid if I want to stimulate my fat burning?

The energy bar before training to reduce body fat. And the banana too. Because then the body falls back on the carbohydrates in the blood and does not go to the fat stores.

7. Can I burn fat if I work out hungry?

Definitely yes. If your own biorhythm supports it, exercise before breakfast in particular provides a high fat metabolism. Nevertheless, morning grouches should stick to the evening workout because they are more efficient then. Tip: Don't eat anything two hours before training. And: You don't have to go on a diet.

8. Can I really hit it at least after the sport?

After exercising, the body continues to lose fat. After a workout after work you should therefore avoid carbohydrates in foods and rely on protein, to support the muscles in their work. Instead of bread, pasta and alcohol, rely on vegetables, fish, meat and cheese.

9. How do I get rid of my belly fat with the help of the right diet?

Unfortunately, it is difficult, even if you eat more protein than carbohydrates. Fat is reduced throughout the body. It is clear, however, that too much sugar, white flour and junk food not only increase blood lipid levels – it also increases the belly fat. Also important: reduce stress, because it promotes fat storage in the middle of the body.

10. Although I want to lose weight, should I pay attention to "healthy" fats in my diet – do they go together?

Our body needs these essential fatty acids, which it cannot produce itself, to generate energy. The essential linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are already in one tablespoon of rapeseed oil daily. In addition, a study has shown that omega-3 fatty acids can even support fat burning and fat loss. They are mainly found in rapeseed and olive oil, organic dairy products, walnuts, flaxseeds and fatty fish. The same applies here: Dieting is unnecessary.

Extra tip: Do you want to stimulate your metabolism? Put on hot spices!

Chili, ginger and the like are real fat burners: They can stimulate the metabolism and should therefore be used regularly in your recipes. By the way, you can also use ginger in the form of tea as a fat burner.

Would you like more tips for losing weight? Have a look at our weight loss tips, weight loss without exercise or weight loss without hunger!

Text: Michaela Rose