"Storm of Love" fans sure: Dr. Niederbühl leaves the Fürstenhof

Fans sure: Dr. Niederbühl will leave the Fürstenhof

Newcomers always bring a breath of fresh air into a series. "Sturm der Liebe" shows three new faces: Stephan Käfer, 45, Julia Gruber (born 1988) and Barbro Viefhaus (born 1991). They will reinforce the cast of the afternoon series in the future. Above all, the announcement by Stephan Käfer causes unrest among the fans: in the role of Karl Kalenberg, he not only tries to win back his ex-wife Ariane (Viola Wedekind), but will also work as a doctor at the Fürstenhof.

For "Sturm der Liebe" fans, this can only mean one thing: "That means Michael gets out." The fears are increasing. "Since the Beetle is supposed to come to the Fürstenhof as a new doctor … I have a bad guess that Dr. Niederbühl is going," writes a user on Instagram. Does the new entry really mean the retirement of Erich Altenkopf, 51, from the series?

What role Karl Kalenberg will play exactly and whether two doctors will be involved in the Fürstenhof at the same time will be available to viewers on ARD from July 24th.

This article originally appeared on Gala.de.