Strike at France 3: disruptions on regional antennas

Julien Pichené, with AFP

The broadcast of the new regional news from France 3, which now replaces the national editions, was disrupted Monday on several regional antennas by a strike, an official of the CGT France Télévisions told AFP.

The broadcast of the new regional news from France 3, which now replaces the national editions, was disrupted Monday on several regional antennas by a strike, an official of the CGT France Télévisions told AFP.

About fifteen editions could not be broadcast

This is the third strike movement launched by the unions against the so-called “Tempo” project, announced last year by the president of France Télévisions, Delphine Ernotte. This reform recorded the abolition of the national editions of the JT de France 3 – the “12/13” and the “19/20” – by the JT “Ici 12/13” and “Ici 19/20”, produced entirely from the 24 regional offices, which now divides the information into three sections: regional, national and international.

“Fifteen editions out of 24 could not be broadcast”, the others were “severely disrupted, sometimes with a duration reduced by half”, told AFP Pierre Mouchel, secretary general CGT France Televisions. The unions, contacted by AFP, were not yet able to provide details on possible disruptions on the evening news.

A “reconquest of territories”, according to Delphine Ernotte

According to management, the rate of strikers on the day was 5.62%. However, this figure remains provisional, said the same source.

The unions have been upwind since last year against what they consider to be a “low cost regionalization” of information and a project of “social damage”. “It’s a way for us to give voice to people who we see little on the air, and room for what happens outside places of power”, reaffirmed for her part Delphine Ernotte in an interview at World published on Monday.

“In a word, I carry a strategy of reconquest of all the territories. We are decentralizing. It is a necessary and expected movement by the French”, she estimated.

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