Study: 5 sleep habits that extend your life

According to a study
5 sleeping habits that will extend your life

© sebra / Adobe Stock

Sleep is essential for a healthy life. And not only that: As a recent study shows, good sleeping habits can even extend life by several years.

A lot happens in our body while we sleep. All the important regeneration processes take place that keep us healthy, fit and relaxed. But sleep is not just sleep. On the contrary: sleep is actually quite prone to disruption: alcohol, eating too much food before going to bed, stress, caffeine, media consumption and other factors can disrupt regeneration.

A good night’s sleep is worth more than gold

The preliminary results of a new study show how important good sleep is study from the USA, which were recently presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology in Washington, DC. So could Good sleep not only supports heart and general health, but also prolongs life. The study found that young people who had good sleep hygiene had a lower risk of dying early. In contrast, eight percent of deaths are related to poor sleep habits.

Data from 172,000 subjects examined

The team at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston identified five sleep habits that may lay the foundation for longevity. To do this, the researchers examined the data of 172,321 Americans who took part in the national health survey between 2013 and 2018. It also included questions about sleep patterns. From the answers, the scientists were able to identify five factors that have a particular influence on our life expectancy.

5 sleep factors that affect life expectancy

  • The duration of sleep should be between seven and eight hours a night be
  • difficulty falling asleep should occur no more than twice a week
  • problems with sleep through no more than twice a week
  • No sleeping pills take
  • You should at least five days wake up refreshed and rested

Risk factors such as a weak socio-economic status, smoking, alcohol consumption and previous illnesses were excluded from the study so that the results are not falsified.

Healthy sleep reduces the risk of death

Subjects who met all five factors for good sleep quality had up to a 30 percent lower risk of death compared to those who met none or only one of the factors. The Life expectancy for men fell by 4.7 years and for women increased by 2.4 years out if they indicated that they fulfilled all five points. Why there is a difference between the sexes here is not clear and requires further research.

It matters how we sleep

So it’s not just important how long we sleep, but also how long we sleep Quality of our sleep: “I think these results show that sleeping long enough is not enough. You really need to have a restful sleep without problems falling asleep or staying asleep,” explains internist and study author Dr. Frank Qian in one press release. In order to prevent premature deaths, it is therefore important good sleep hygiene from a young ageto establish, and to identify and treat sleep problems.


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Study: 5 sleep habits that extend your life

According to a study
5 sleeping habits that will extend your life

© sebra / Adobe Stock

Sleep is essential for a healthy life. And not only that: As a recent study shows, good sleeping habits can even extend life by several years.

A lot happens in our body while we sleep. All the important regeneration processes take place that keep us healthy, fit and relaxed. But sleep is not just sleep. On the contrary: sleep is actually quite prone to disruption: alcohol, eating too much food before going to bed, stress, caffeine, media consumption and other factors can disrupt regeneration.

A good night’s sleep is worth more than gold

The preliminary results of a new study show how important good sleep is study from the USA, which were recently presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology in Washington, DC. So could Good sleep not only supports heart and general health, but also prolongs life. The study found that young people who had good sleep hygiene had a lower risk of dying early. In contrast, eight percent of deaths are related to poor sleep habits.

Data from 172,000 subjects examined

The team at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston identified five sleep habits that may lay the foundation for longevity. To do this, the researchers examined the data of 172,321 Americans who took part in the national health survey between 2013 and 2018. It also included questions about sleep patterns. From the answers, the scientists were able to identify five factors that have a particular influence on our life expectancy.

5 sleep factors that affect life expectancy

  • The duration of sleep should be between seven and eight hours a night be
  • difficulty falling asleep should occur no more than twice a week
  • problems with sleep through no more than twice a week
  • No sleeping pills take
  • You should at least five days wake up refreshed and rested

Risk factors such as a weak socio-economic status, smoking, alcohol consumption and previous illnesses were excluded from the study so that the results are not falsified.

Healthy sleep reduces the risk of death

Subjects who met all five factors for good sleep quality had up to a 30 percent lower risk of death compared to those who met none or only one of the factors. The Life expectancy for men fell by 4.7 years and for women increased by 2.4 years out if they indicated that they fulfilled all five points. Why there is a difference between the sexes here is not clear and requires further research.

It matters how we sleep

So it’s not just important how long we sleep, but also how long we sleep Quality of our sleep: “I think these results show that sleeping long enough is not enough. You really need to have a restful sleep without problems falling asleep or staying asleep,” explains internist and study author Dr. Frank Qian in one press release. In order to prevent premature deaths, it is therefore important good sleep hygiene from a young ageto establish, and to identify and treat sleep problems.


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