Study Finds Same-Sex Parents Raise Happier Children

A study of the differences between children of same-sex and heteroparentality has shown that they are physically and psychologically the same. Between news and testimonies, the truth comes out.

October 10, 2020 was talked about a lot in the press: it was the last “Demonstration for all” to date. The members of this collective of associations fight tirelessly to reverse the law allowing people of the same sex to marry freely and adopt children. Law, which, let us remember, was passed on May 17, 2013, after years of struggle.

Astonishing revelations

As protesters wave their signs in the streets, a study has shown that children raised by same-sex parents are physically and psychologically the same as children of opposite-sex parents. Studies show that a child's happiness does not depend on the gender of its parents, but rather on the relationship it has with them, as well as the stability of the family situation.

In a 2012 study of notable differences between children of same-sex and opposite-sex couples, 315 same-sex parents volunteered for the survey.

The results are clear (and would make the followers of the Demonstration for All pale), children of gay parents obtain almost the same results as children of straight parents! It would even seem that it is those with same-sex parents who outperform others when it comes to general health (+ 3%), behavior (+ 3%) and family cohesion (+ 6%).

An absence of stereotypes

As a general rule, same-sex parents do not assume that chores are assigned based on the child's sex, but rather on their wishes. Children do not differentiate between “female” and “male” tasks. There are only tasks, no filing.

Children of same-sex parents are not confronted with societal stereotypes about men and women within their families. They learn from a young age that gender has nothing to do with one's qualities, let alone their abilities. They also learn that the happiness of a couple, married or not, does not depend on their gender, but on their love.
As such, a child does not specifically need a Mom and a Dad, he needs love, protection and tolerance.

A question of tolerance

Unfortunately, children of same-sex parenthood face gender stereotypes every day and are still, in 2020, still judged by the lack of acceptance and tolerance of other children, and sometimes even that of adults. Although these little ones will face rejection more often in their lifetimes than children of heteroparentality, their minds are less likely to be stigmatized and they will be more open-minded.

Today we can count 29 countries where marriage for all is legal. A number certainly poor in a total of 197 countries, but an existing number which continues to grow each year.

What these children say

There are many testimonials from adults who grew up in families with same-sex parents, but few are negative.
Growing up in a family like this is positive, it opens the mind”, Clément, 27 years old for Le Monde.
I never felt a lack”François, 27 years old in why doctor.
I do not have a male-female task sharing scheme”Stéphane, 51 years old, in Brut.
The only times I was wrong was because of the judgment of others. ” Charlotte, 29 years old for LCI.

The only problem with same-sex parenting is sometimes the way other people look.

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Homoparentality: these families react in photos to anti-PMA demonstrations

Dear judge who ruled that the relationship between my son and I was nothing