We know that an active sex life can have a positive effect on mood. But as studies show, it is also noticeable in our skin …
A fulfilling sex life is good for health, confidence, relationships, and mood. And as if that wasn't enough, we've found another reason to live out our lust with a clear conscience and unrestrained: Frequent orgasms seem to have a positive effect on our skin.
Three orgasms a week make you ten years younger
As the Scottish doctor David Weeks claims to have found out, women who have an orgasm at least three times a week look on average around ten years younger than they actually are. Men even 12 years. "I would guess that celebrities who look very young for their age – Goldie Hawn, Helen Mirren and Joan Collins, for example – have very active and healthy sex lives," the doc told the New York Post.
Weeks had asked a total of 3,500 people who were proven to be young (he let others estimate their age) about their sex life and found that they had one thing in common: at least three times a week! "Sexual pleasure is a key factor in maintaining your youth," explains Weeks. "Sex makes us happy and releases messenger substances that keep us young."
The antiaging factors of an orgasm
According to the "Hudabeauty" beauty platform, one of these messenger substances is called endorphin. Endorphins, also known as happiness hormones, make us balanced and, among other things, contribute to our to sleep well – Number 1 promoter of youth!
Second, our bodies produce more when they orgasm Growth hormonesthat benefit cell renewal – youthful promoter number 2.
Third, orgasms promote the production of estrogen in women. estrogen in turn stimulates the formation of Collages on, as is well known the skin's best friend, in addition, a high level of estrogen improves the natural elasticity and moisture content of our largest organ, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
But that's not all!
Also our beloved cuddle hormone Oxytocin contributes to a sustainably fresh complexion by lowering our stress level – and we all know how stress and wrinkles are related …
Last but not least: Our bodies become special during and after an orgasm well supplied with blood and consequently also with oxygen supplies, which also stimulates the collagen production. According to the aforementioned beauty platform, this last effect is responsible for the so-called "orgasm glow", the glow after an orgasm.
Granted: Sex alone certainly doesn't keep you young and if you don't have three orgasms a week, you won't necessarily age faster. After all, a healthy and fulfilling sex life is only part of a healthy and fulfilling life and every person can and must even decide for himself how much sex he needs and is good for him. But if your sweetheart should happen to comment on the scope of your anti-aging or beauty products (e.g. because they take up too much space or cost money), you now have a really good argument as to why you should be in bed from now on should be able to determine more often where to go … ?