Study: Which occupational group has sex most often?

Teacher? Nurse? Lawyer? Which professional group have the most sex? A study by the sex toy supplier LELO comes to a surprising result …

It is very clear that our choice of career has a direct impact on our sex life: the happier and more comfortable we feel, the more often we want to have sex. So we have to find a job that fulfills us, and the matter is scratched. Unless we're having sex to reduce stress, maybe a hectic job where we're under a lot of pressure and often yelled at by our superiors would be better. Hmm, maybe the connection isn't that simple after all …

Country air good for the sex drive?

LELO UK, the British subsidiary of the Swedish sex toy manufacturer, has taken on this earth-shattering problem and asked 2,000 people about their job and their sex habits. And who would have thought? According to this survey, the most sexually active are the farmers: 33 percent of them said they had sex at least once a day.

In second place in the LELO study were the architects, who, according to their own statements, had sexual intercourse to 21 percent every day, followed by hairdressers, of whom 17 percent had a bang every day. According to the data, teachers, PR people and lawyers are on average less active than the three previously mentioned, but they get their money's worth much more often than journalists, who come at the bottom of these statistics: 20 percent of them said of themselves only having sex once a month. Anyone who works as a journalist in Germany will doubt the informative value of the study at this point at the latest. And prostitutes have probably been doubting for a long time …

Quality not quantity?

When it comes to sex quality, the farmers also showed the greatest self-confidence: 67 percent of them consider themselves "unbelievable" in bed, so apparently you have to be there to understand it. The lawyers, on the other hand, were the least satisfied: 27 percent admitted to faking the orgasm almost every time.

Speaking to the Irish Mirror, Kate Moyle of LELO UK said of these results: "We can assume that there are some trends, for example the level of physical work in a job like a farmer compared to an office job, energy and Influence fitness level. Lifestyle factors such as flexibility of working hours and the work climate can also have a high probability of affecting our entire life, not just our sex routine. " Nevertheless, the expert points out that individual differences and preferences play a very large role that a commonality such as belonging to a professional group cannot resolve.

So let's conclude: The best thing to do is to just choose the job that we think we can be most happy with. Maybe then it doesn't even matter how much sex we have in detail – as long as it is enough for us.
