Supermoon horoscope: Three zodiac signs will be inspired by the full moon on September 29th, 2023

Supermoon horoscope
Three zodiac signs are born on September 29th. inspired by the full moon

© muratart / Adobe Stock

On Friday we can experience the very special energy of a supermoon for the last time this year. Three zodiac signs particularly benefit from the so-called harvest moon.

Summer officially ended this weekend and autumn has already noticeably taken over. With the equinox we not only entered a new season, but also astrologically moved from Virgo to Libra season. Overall, things are getting a little quieter and our relationships and friendships are coming to the fore again.

Harvest moon provides a boost of motivation

But before we go into autumnal cuddle mode, the full moon brings Zodiac sign Aries will give you another real boost of motivation on Friday. On September 29th, the last supermoon for this year – it is also called the Harvest Moon – will shine in the night sky and give us a very special energy that we can all use to finally tackle the things that we have been putting off for a long time. The full moon in Aries motivates us to take another look at our wishes and plans and finally take action.

The super full moon particularly inspires three zodiac signs


The full moon is in your sign. Therefore, you benefit particularly from its energy and can use your concentrated fire power to face the challenges courageously and energetically. The supermoon creates the perfect cosmic conditions for Aries and you simply succeed in everything. Your intuition is now your best advisor, it will guide you unerringly in the right direction. You clearly feel in which areas it is worth investing, which plans need to be implemented and which ideas have potential. Now is the moment to finally realize the things that are close to your heart.


With the full moon in their birthday season, Libras are also particularly feeling the cosmic event. The focus of the air sign is now primarily on love, partnership and relationships – including those with yourself. You feel connected to your partner and overall things are very harmonious between you. For singles, an encounter could now arise that turns out to be a perfect match. At the same time, you also feel the need to connect more with yourself again and, under the super full moon, you manage to create a healthy balance between your relationship and time for yourself.


Aquarians are also influenced by the harvest moon on September 29th. inspired. The cosmic energies awaken your power of persuasion and the ability to inspire others. So now is a good time to present your ideas and make your wishes come true. No matter whether it’s a salary negotiation or a relationship discussion, you strike the right tone, have a good feel for your counterpart and can react to them in the best possible way. Whatever topic of your heart has been on your mind for a while – with the full moon energy behind you, now is the time to address it.


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