Switchel: What can the trendy drink do?

What can the trendy weight loss drink do?

© Antonina Vlasova / Shutterstock

Ever heard of Switchel? This is the latest alleged miracle drink that is said to melt the pounds in no time. What is it?

Probably most women dream of losing a few pounds almost casually. And so there is always a new trend that people in America swear by. The latest of these: Switchel. The drink with the strange name is currently experiencing a real hype in the USA. But what makes Switchel so special?

The full power of apple cider vinegar, ginger and lemon

If you believe the trend, Switchel not only tastes good, but can also shed the pounds properly. The reason: The ingredients of the miracle drink, a combination of apple cider vinegar, ginger and lemon. And that’s how it works:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: stimulates the digestive system, regulates blood sugar levels, prevents cravings and promotes the body’s acid-base balance.
  • lemon juice: Also aids in digestion and contains plenty of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.
  • Ginger: Is considered a fat killer thanks to the pungent substances it contains, capsaicin and gingerol, which heat up the body. This reacts to this with increased blood flow, which in turn boosts the metabolism.

If this fiery combination is too hot for you, may sweeten the miracle drink a little with maple syrup. This is not quite as unhealthy as sugar and takes the heat out of the miracle drink Switchel.

What can Switchel really do?

There is no scientific evidence that Switchel really helps with weight loss. But a lot of stars and starlets already swear by it – and what speaks against testing it? Especially since you can buy the drink ready-made, but you can also easily make it yourself:

  • Peel and dice a root of ginger,
  • put them in 1.5 liters of boiling water for two minutes,
  • let the mixture steep for about 20 minutes,
  • mix in 120 ml apple cider vinegar and 60 ml lemon juice.

Particularly practical: Switchel can be drunk both warm and cold.

By the way: It is already known that ginger can help you lose weight. But the great tuber has many other benefits for our health. For example, ginger helps against bad breath and nausea!


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