Synergology: four keys to decoding the body language of your interlocutor

European 1
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6:49 p.m., January 27, 2022

What if we better understand our interlocutors thanks to synergology? This practice, unknown to the general public, focuses on observing the body language of the individual, but also on understanding it in its interactions. Invited in “Bienfait pour vous” on Europe 1, the creator of synergology Philippe Turchet analyzes four revealing gestures.

Synergology may well change our interactions. And for good reason, this practice focuses on observing the body language of the individual, but also on understanding it in its interactions. Invited in “Bienfait pour vous” on Europe 1, the creator of synergology Philippe Turchet analyzes four revealing gestures of our emotions.

eye movements

There’s a lot going on in the eyes. They are an indicator of a person’s physical or emotional state. When white appears under the pupil, it may indicate a form of physical exhaustion such as lack of sleep, or a form of emotional exhaustion such as depression. A person with shifty gaze is not necessarily introverted. It’s a stereotype. And someone who lies can very well look straight in the eye, contrary to what one might think.

Nose scratching

Nose scratching has several meanings. Depending on the point where you scratch your nose, it can reflect curiosity, concern about your image, a problem or even rejection. Synergology identified several different micro-itches on the nose.

Scratching on the outside of the elbow

We scratch the outside of our elbow when we feel uncomfortable with our interlocutor. It’s a way of protecting our body against violent words, which put us in danger. We use our body to protect ourselves.

The hand movements

People who speak with their hands get things across with their hearts. Their gestures can also reflect a lack of confidence.

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