Taylor Swift: She even bakes cookies for Joe Biden

Taylor Swift has announced herself in an interview and on Twitter as a supporter of US presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Taylor Swift (30, "Love Story") spoke out clearly in an interview with "V Magazine" in favor of the Democratic presidential candidate and his runner-up in the upcoming US election on November 3rd: "I'm proud of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris vote (…). I believe that America, under their leadership, has a chance to begin the healing process it so desperately needs. " Swift also tweeted a picture of her posing with biscuits garnished with the names of Joe Biden, 77, and Kamala Harris, 55.

Her October 7 interview came in at just the right time, as Vice-Candidate Harris was holding her TV debate that evening, Swift said. Among other things, the singer emphasized in the interview: "The change we need most urgently is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve to be able to make decisions what happens to their bodies and that the LGBTQIA + community deserves to be recognized and included. " Everyone deserves a government that takes global health risks seriously and puts people's lives first.

So thank you Biden and Harris

The Democrats have already thanked Swift for their appeal, which can reach many people with around 87 million Twitter followers and 140 million Instagram subscribers. "Thank you Taylor for your support and words at this important moment in our nation's history," tweeted Biden. Harris wrote in her tweet: "Voting never goes out of style. Thanks Taylor for your support. P.S. Please share your cookie recipe."
