Tesla Model Y: he throws himself off a cliff with his children, the family miraculously survives

On January 2, a Model Y crashed into the void from the top of a Californian cliff. A family with two children was inside the vehicle. Fortunately, no fatalities were reported, the group escaping with only a few minor injuries. After investigation, it appears that the father, who was driving the car, acted voluntarily.

Credits: KTVU FOX

Unfortunately, fatal accidents involving Tesla cars are not lacking. But few are as spectacular as the one that happened on Monday, January 2. That day, a Model Y carrying a family with two children aged 4 and 9 was fallen from the top of Devil’s Side cliffor 76 meters in height, in San Mateo County, California.

Like the world rescue video below, the vehicle was completely pulverized by impact. Yet, miraculously, the whole family made it out. After being airlifted to the nearest hospital, the diagnosis was indeed very promising. Only a few injuries were observed, while the children miraculously escaped unscathed.

Father charged with attempted murder

Shortly the transfer of the family to the hospital, the San Francisco police arrested the father of the family. In fact, a short investigation made it possible to determine that he intentionally thrown from the top of the cliff with his wife and children by his side. He is currently charged with attempted murder and child abuse. The investigation must now determine the circumstances that led to this sinister act.

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Battalion Commander Brian Pottinger said it is “neither more nor less than a miracle that [la famille] survived”, what’s more with so few consequences. If the Model Y now has no chance of finding the road, it is clear that it, alongside a lot of luck, has done its job of protecting its passengers. We advise you not to try the experience for yourself.

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