the amounts change on April 1st, here is the new CAF and MSA payment

Several social benefits paid by the CAF or the MSA will be increased by 4.6% in April. The RSA is affected by this increase. Discover the new amounts.

The revaluation of the RSA is approaching. From April 1, its amount will be increased by 4.6%, like many social benefits. Put forward last fall during discussions on the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS), this figure has since been confirmed by the Minister of Solidarity.

It will apply to family allowances, the allowance for adults with disabilities (AAH), the activity bonus, but also to the Active Solidarity Income (RSA)

Concretely, a single beneficiary of the RSA will see his monthly benefit increase from 607.75 euros to 635.71 euros, an increase of 28 euros per month. For a couple, without additional dependents, the amount of RSA will increase to 953.56 euros. But be patient, this annual revaluation program on April 1 will be visible on CAF or MSA payments from Monday May 6.

CAF: 15 hours of activity to receive RSA, which changes for you in 5 questions and answers

Several conditions to meet

To receive the RSA, like nearly 2 million people today, you must meet several conditions. First of all, an age condition. You must in fact be over 25 years old. But pregnant women or people with at least one child can benefit from RSA without age conditions.

For people aged between 18 and 25, without children, the RSA can be paid on the condition of having exercised a full-time activity for at least 2 years out of the last 3 years.

Furthermore, you must live in France on a stable basis, for at least 9 months a year; be French or a citizen of the European Economic Area or Switzerland or have a valid residence permit for at least 5 years; have monthly resources that do not exceed the ceilings in force.

Almost 15 hours of activity to receive the RSA

And finally, you are asked to first assert your rights to all other social benefits (unemployment benefit, retirement, etc.) to which you can claim depending on your situation.

Note that from January 1, 2025, RSA beneficiaries will be automatically registered on the lists of France Travail, the new name of Ple emploi. An employment contract must be signed which will provide an action plan with social and professional integration objectives. This will also include the obligation to perform at least 15 hours of activity per week.

CAF: 15 hours of activity to receive RSA, am I concerned as a disabled worker?

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