“The Bachelorette”: That was the first round of introductions for Sharon and the boys

“The Bachelorette”
So was the first round of introductions for Sharon and the boys

Sharon Battiste gets to know candidate Emanuell.


“Bachelorette” Sharon is impressed after the first round of introductions on the dance floor. Three men can’t keep up.

“I want to dance, I want goosebumps, I want to really feel myself again, I want to kiss really hard”: Sharon Battiste (30) has “Bachelorette” 2022 (Wednesday, 8:15 p.m., RTL or RTL+) much before.

The actress actually wanted to be seen earlier as a rose distributor on RTL, as she reveals. However, a man and an unhealthy relationship kept her from doing so. She was broken, even got hair loss – and ultimately shaved her hair off because of it. So far, viewers have only seen her bald head briefly in the teaser, the rest of the time the 30-year-old plays with wigs.

Candidates at the testosterone upper limit

20 men are now vying for the single lady in Thailand. The first meetings are fun and awkward as always: very excited men who have to wait in the car for a very long time before finally being able to approach the Bachelorette at testosterone level and trying to appear very cool. Or as one of them puts it in the car: “It’s banging.”

Of course, gifts help to be remembered: a bouquet of flowers, a cuddly toy, a letter, a magic trick, a spice… Although the latter is more like using the toilet, as it quickly turns out. Greek Alex brings Sharon a jar of oregano and explains that in his home country people cook with lots of oregano when they are in love. Sharon: “Oregano is the spice I always brush off pizza.”

The non-compliment of the evening comes from Max: “You would make a good player.” But some don’t even get a word out, like Patrick, who spreads his arms helplessly and finally asks if he can go to the boys. He later explains to the camera: “I felt like a three-year-old seeing a woman for the first time.” The “poetic” Tim lets out profound sayings like: “Love has infinite limits” and later has a big appearance. Stripper Basti gets a slight head start because Sharon has already been on his show with her girls.

The first rose goes to a shirt

Sharon’s verdict after meeting all the men: “You can work with that.” And she starts with that right away: Max gets the first rose for his shirt that says “Waiting for a girl like you”. After that’s done, the games are on: Everyone tries to get the Bachelorette for a personal interview, but she has her own ideas and confidently pulls out her candidates: “You come with me, you can come too!” Not everyone likes that.

When she has just started a new conversation with two men, poetry Tim crashes the round. After making his “claim,” what is probably the most incoherent conversation of the evening follows. Without really letting her have a say, he babbles on: “What are you doing? You’re a humorous person. But you can also talk to you in detail. I’m a light poetic person. In the evening is my time. You you’re welcome to sit on the beach with me. Hey, I called Mom yesterday and cried. Something you don’t know. Sorry, you have such beautiful eyes. I’m such a person, I always say what’s on my mind.” Yes, you can tell.

Three have to go at once

As in so many situations in life, music comes to the rescue. As soon as it starts, the men try to convince with their dance moves. For Sharon, the best part of the evening: “I thought it was awesome! I could have danced on for hours.” But before it gets too much fun, the roses are drawn and the first three candidates are kicked out. No, Poesie-Tim is not included. Instead: Mo, Dennis and the speechless Patrick.


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