the bill that worries unions and employers

Tension is mounting between the majority elected members of the National Assembly and several trade union and employer organizations. At the origin of these tensions, there is a proposal for an organic law, which was to be examined, Monday, July 19, in session at the Palais-Bourbon. Supported by Thomas Mesnier, deputy La République en Marche (LRM) of Charente and general rapporteur of the Social Affairs Committee, the text intends to renovate the social security financing laws (LFSS), in particular by providing more information to Parliament on the accounts of our welfare state, taken in the broad sense.

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Introduced by amendments, the provisions giving rise to friction concern joint systems co-piloted by employers’ movements and employee organizations. From now on, the LFSS will be accompanied by a report describing – among other things – the “Perspectives” financial support for unemployment insurance (administered by Unédic) and compulsory supplementary pension funds, including Agirc-Arrco. The document in question will indicate in particular whether these devices are showing a loss or not, for the current year and the following year, while mentioning the “New measures envisaged”. In addition, the bills approving the accounts of the “Sécu” will be accompanied by appendices presenting “Statement of income, expenditure and balance” of these same devices, “For the last closed financial year”. ” It is a question of providing more precise information to the national representation, without modifying the parity governance of these regimes ”, explains Mr. Mesnier.

During the debates in committee, Thursday, July 15, deputies pleaded for the organic law proposal to go “A step further”, by attributing “A real role” to parliamentarians, according to the formula of Cendra Motin (LRM, Isère). The latter intends to defend, during the discussions in the hemicycle, amendments extending the scope of the LFSS to these regimes.

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In the entourage of Elisabeth Borne, the Minister of Labor, it is said that the government “Is not favorable” to the ideas of the elected iséroise. On the other hand, we add, the initiative pushed by Mr. Mesnier continues “A legitimate objective” : enlighten the National Assembly and the Senate on the social accounts. M’s servicesme Borne also point out that the ” trades “ with unions and employers continue on the subject of UI governance. In other words, both the executive and the general rapporteur want to show their will not to rush these organizations.

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