The clever trick to remove urine stains from toilet bowls


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Urine stains on the toilet bowl or seat are very unpleasant to see. However, there are natural methods to get rid of it easily.

Maintaining your toilet is not the most pleasant task in the world. But it’s important to do it regularly to prevent gunk from building up. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, it is a measure of hygiene, because, often, the yellowish traces that one finds are due to projections of urine. They mingle to scale and lime deposits which can be difficult to remove. Certainly, there are many cleaners whose advertisements can be regularly seen on television. But it is also possible to use more natural and cheaper ingredients.

To clean your toilet, you can use baking soda. This white powder is a household ally and can be used in many ways. It can be mixed according to usage with water, white vinegar, black soap or even essential oils.

Clean, descale, perfume

For toilet cleaning, it allows to eliminate traces of urine and to descale, while having a whitening power. Mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with a small amount of water. The goal is to get a fairly thick batter. The action of bicarbonate is enhanced with citric acid, which can be found in powder form. It is also present in white vinegar. You can therefore add it to your preparation.

Apply the paste to the area to be treated and leave on for ten minutes. Brush, then remove the mixture with a damp sponge or cloth. To remove scale inside the bowl, it is also possible to mix baking soda with cola. If the smell of vinegar puts you off, you can use half a grapefruit. Soak it in salt and use it as a sponge on the toilet seat and seat, then rinse. This will remove streaks while leaving a more pleasant smell.

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