The day: Böhmermann publishes Twitter diary

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(Photo: dpa)

Nobody in Germany tweets as diligently as he does: Satirist Jan Böhmermann has published 25,800 tweets on Twitter over the past eleven years, delighting and entertaining his fans. Now he's bringing it up there more than two million followers. For those and all who don't want to scroll through eleven years, he has now put together "collected works", as it were: Böhmermann has compiled his personal highlights in a kind of Twitter diary – and of course the satirist does not miss the whole thing Leave a Comment. Anyone who knows Twitter knows that classification can also be very helpful. In his Book "Followed by Nobody You Follow" However, it's not just about fun, but also about more serious topics such as the Erdogan humiliation poem, which caused a stir internationally in 2016 and which was followed by a lot of legal trouble.

So today at 11 a.m. there is probably not only an alarm on the nationwide warning day – at least for the satirist:

. (tagsToTranslate) The (t) Tag (t) Böhmermann (t) Twitter diary