the debates in front of the Assembly will resume on Tuesday evening

The debates before the National Assembly on the bill creating the vaccine pass, interrupted Monday evening unexpectedly, must continue Tuesday evening, we learned from parliamentary sources.

Discussions on this text were suspended at midnight, after a majority of them refused – by a vote of hands – to continue the session. The oppositions, who mobilized to derail this examination, are congratulated.

The Conference of Presidents of the Assembly, which brings together the heads of the political groups and the Minister for Relations with Parliament, must decide at midday to put the bill again on the agenda at the end of the day, after questions to the government and a vote on the 3DS text on decentralization.

Then the exchanges will resume around 10:30 pm to 11:00 pm, after a debate scheduled by LR on domestic violence.

This augurs well for a long night, with more than 500 amendments remaining on the menu.

The review could continue on Wednesday afternoon if necessary.

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal said on Tuesday that the executive would do everything to keep as close as possible to the schedule that was planned, that is, an entry into force of the vaccination pass on January 15.

I understood that the night had been a little agitated, declared Prime Minister Jean Castex in the morning, in front of the LREM deputies gathered. This is not the height of the situation, he said, according to reports.

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According to him, there is an answer: that we be more united and more determined than ever. This is what our majority should wear 頻.

The LREM deputies were outnumbered at midnight, underlined the president of the LR group Damien Abad, mocking amateurs one day, always amateurs.

But Christophe Castaner, leader of the majority group, defended his troops: I sometimes have rants grow. L objectively not. We were there, he told them in a group meeting.

We have seen a blow from the LRs with the other oppositions, with a fairly obvious alliance of circumstances, he said, according to a participant. The group (LR) has lch Valrie Pcresse, favorable to the vaccine pass, estimates Mr. Castaner.

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