The editorial staff of France Television vote no confidence in their director of information

The national editorial staff of France Télévisions voted mainly against their information director Laurent Guimier, we learned from the society of journalists of France 2, which co-organized the ballot. Defiance was voted by nearly 83% of the votes cast on France 2 and within the national editorial staff of France 3, 93% at (web editorial staff).

A latent conflict between the news director and his troops

Confidence won 53% in the editorial staff of franceinfo:TV, but it is too small to offset the overall negative vote. The journalists were invited to answer “yes” or “no” to the question “do you trust Laurent Guimier to direct the information of France Television?”.

According to sources within the editorial staff, the latent conflict between the director of information and his troops crystallized recently on the question of the non-renewal of 5 fixed-term contracts, in an editorial office which is already working at very tight flows. The decision of France Télévisions to rebroadcast reports, rather than produce new subjects, has also been widely criticized internally.

“Complicated” relationships

“But for some time now relations between the editorial staff and Mr. Guimier have been complicated,” said a member of the board of the Society of Journalists.

Many journalists thus criticize Laurent Guimier for having kept a low profile against Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, when the two candidates, each on their side, refused to come to the France 2 set at key moments in the presidential campaign. , while the other candidates had complied with the exercise.

Laurent Guimier directed France Info radio from 2014 to 2017. After directing the radio division of the Lagardère group in 2018-2019, he joined France Télévisions as director of franceinfo (the website and application bringing together TV radio offers and Digital Public Service), before becoming Chief Information Officer in September 2020.

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