The Elder Scrolls VI: Todd Howard has regrets

During the conference of Bethesda at theE3 2018the studio had formalized two huge role-playing games in quick succession: Starfield And The Elder Scrolls VI. The first will take us into space in a few days, five years after its official release, but for the second… well Bethesda has always been clear, the development will be in full swing only after the release of Starfield.

Fortunately, The Elder Scrolls VI will use the same technology as Starfield, the design should be a little faster, but the title is not expected for several years. Obviously, he regularly comes up in discussions with Todd Howard, director of both games. The latter spoke with QG And he confessed he regretted the way he announced The Elder Scrolls VI :

GQ: Do you regret announcing the game at that time?

Todd Howard: I have often asked myself this question. I don’t know. I probably would have announced it more casually.

The designer also indicates that the game has an internal codename, but he won’t reveal it to the public at this time, and he still wants make TES6 “the ultimate fantasy world simulator”, and that “there are different ways to achieve this given the time that has passed”. And time, it passes. It’s been 12 years since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was released, the same number of years that separated The Elder Scrolls: Arena (1994) and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006). Obviously, the way of developing video games has totally changed since that time, but the anecdote is funny.

Fans will still have to be patient, and to keep you busy, Skyrim Anniversary Edition is at €34.90 on Amazon.

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Writer – Tester

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