the essential fringes of spring-summer, for all face shapes

How to wear bangs in 2024? Discover all the trendy variations for spring-summer and our advice for finding the bangs that will best highlight your face.

Very trendy this spring-summer 2024, bangs are the ideal hairstyle accessory to add style to your haircut. On long or short hair, straight or curly, bangs adapt to all hair types but also to all face shapes.

While curtain bangs have been unbeatable in recent months, we are seeing the return of a greater diversity of shapes and types of bangs which bring even more dynamism to the hair. Short, well tapered, layered, fine or curly, discover all the trendy fringes for spring-summer 2024our inspiration photos and our tips for adopting them.

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The “Bottleneck bangs”

It has the particularity of having a very marked difference in length between its center and its ends. The hair is graded at the edges to create different “heights” of bangs that perfectly match the oval of the face. These bangs are particularly flattering on a long or mid-length cut and on straight hair.

It also has the advantage ofrefine the oval of the face, and will therefore highlight rounded faces or slightly broad foreheads. The strands can be worked to fall on certain strategic areas of the face, such as the rounded cheekbones or the jaw line.

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Textured bangs

This “styled/disheveled” effect fringe brings a little grunge touch to a short cut or a bob. It should be thick enough to cover the forehead well, while blending in perfectly with the rest of the haircut. It is particularly flattering on a short mullet cut, grunge shorts or a layered bob.

Quite long, this fringe falls just below the eyebrow line, which allows it to highlight the eyes. Its textured look is particularly suitable for fine hair lacking volume.

Ultra-fine bangs

We are talking here about very long, thin and rather straight bangs. A model that brings an ultra-sophisticated look to long or mid-length hair. To give it that little glamorous and retro touch, the ideal is to work it with a round brush when drying which will create this nice characteristic curved.

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Be careful, this form of bangs requires a little maintenance and styling time. If you want long, thin bangs that are easier to style on a daily basis, opt instead for curtain bangs, a little longer on the sides.

The graphic fringe

This short, straight fringe highlights particularly well square cuts. It brings this graphic and trendy aspect to the hair and gives a lot of character to the face. To be aesthetically pleasing, it must be sufficiently thick, and will not necessarily suit fine hair.

It can be cut just above the eyebrow line, but also a few millimeters higher for an even more pronounced but ultra-trendy “short bang” effect this spring-summer. To accentuate the graphic and straight side of these bangs, the ideal is to wear them on very straight hair.

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The “Curtain bangs”

A little longer than curtain bangs, the curtain bang gives structure to a haircut without being restrictive to style. The locks are layered along the edges of the face, just below the cheekbones and up to the jaw to create this very natural long curtain fringe effect.

Quite discreet on loose hair, curtain bangs are more enhancement with ties like a bun or ponytail. In fact, just leave a few shorter strands loose at the front of the face and wave them to give a more polished look to your look.

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After working for the Marie Claire and Prisma Media groups, Inès arrived at aufeminin in April 2022. Responsible for the beauty, fitness and nutrition sections, she likes to decipher the latest…

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