The federal government extends entry rules: Those returning from vacation need to know that now

For the time being, corona rules continue to apply to those returning from vacation when entering Germany. The federal cabinet decided on Wednesday to extend the relevant ordinance until May 31 – otherwise it would have expired this Thursday.

  • So it stays that all persons aged twelve and over have 3G proof of being vaccinated, recovered or tested upon entry have to.

Even if the current omicron virus variant results in less severe disease progression, the spread of new variants with more severely pathogenic properties is not unlikely given the continuing dynamic epidemic situation worldwide, the Ministry of Health explained in the regulation.

As long as your proof is valid

You can provide your 3G proof in the form of an EU certificate, for example. This applies for different lengths of time, depending on the vaccination and recovery status.

This applies to those who have been vaccinated twice

  • Your immune status is valid for nine months from the second vaccination.

Anyone who has received two doses of vaccine against the coronavirus retains their status as “vaccinated” under the EU regulation nine months (270 days). After this period, you are considered unvaccinated in all EU countries. In addition to the medical advantage and better protection, a booster vaccination is also recommended for a very practical reason.

This applies to boosters

  • Your immune status has so far been valid without time restrictions.

Because unlike the double vaccination, the booster vaccination does not expire for the time being according to current EU rules. “Certificates for booster vaccinations have no maximum validity”, it says. However, the Commission reserves the right to introduce a minimum term at some point based on scientific findings.

In addition, the Standing Vaccination Committee (Stiko) recommends all risk groups to register after the first booster vaccination boost a second time to permit. These include people over the age of 70, residents and employees of care facilities and medical staff. Relevant for the return journey to Germany or entering another European country is the fourth vaccination but not yet.

This applies to those who have recovered

  • Your immune status is valid for six months.

Anyone who has had a Covid infection is subject to EU rules half a year long as “recovered”. 180 days after the positive result, this status expires. You will then need another form of proof for your return journey to Germany.

Information SMS for those returning from vacation is no longer required

Instead of the entry rules, the information SMS about corona regulations in Germany, which mobile phone operators previously had to send to people entering the country, will no longer apply on Friday. For reasons of proportionality and sufficient alternative sources of information, this is unnecessary. Sending causes high monthly costs for the network operators with little proven use – alone around 400,000 euros for SMS to travelers with foreign mobile operators.

Quarantine obligations still apply

The regulation also provides for quarantine obligations for returnees from high-risk or virus variant areas – even if these are de facto not currently applicable. Because according to the corresponding list of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), no country is currently classified as such an area by the federal government. However, the regulations remain in place because it cannot be completely ruled out that they will be necessary again.

If regions are reclassified as high-risk or virus variant areas, you would here can be found on the RKI website.

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