“The future of blood donation passes resolutely through young people”

Tribune. In 2020, as every year, the French Blood Establishment (EFS) ensured self-sufficiency in blood products in France thanks to the generosity of donors. The young generations constitute an important part of those who take the path, to give, of one of our 120 donation houses or one of the 40,000 mobile collections organized each year by the EFS. In 2020, 30% of donors were under 30 in France.

Thus, despite the Covid-19 epidemic, the solidarity of those under 30 has not wavered, even if, in 2020, we noted a slight decline in donations from the youngest because the situation prevented us from organize collections in high schools, but especially universities, closed for several months due to the health context.

Utility and meaning

Although impacted by this crisis in their studies, their daily life, and their mental health for some of them, the young donors mobilized in response to our calls when the blood needs were important, especially during the first confinement. .

The surveys that we carry out regularly with blood donors have shown us that it is also among the youngest that the need to help those around us during this very special period has proved to be the strongest. We have also noted for several years that the new generations of donors promote blood donation around them more than the older ones.

In recent months, the young generations have stood out for their mobilization to help the people most vulnerable by the epidemic, in demonstrations for the fight against climate change or against discrimination. The nursing profession arouses a craze in registrations on Parcoursup.

Commitment therefore remains very much among them, provided it is useful and makes sense. To meet this desire, the EFS must evolve because we note that the expectations of the younger generations are not necessarily the same as those which preceded them, that their uses are different from those of their parents, in particular with the preponderant place taken digitally.

Innovadon program

For several years, we have been leading an ambitious project to modernize and improve the reception of our donors, through the Innovadon program (contraction of the words “innovation” and “donation”). Because we know that we must go even further to encourage young people to get involved with us, we have launched a deep work of reflection to understand the values, motivations and attitudes of the younger generations.

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