The growth forecast for 2024 will be updated in the finance law, according to Cazenave

The growth forecast for 2024, currently 1.6%, will be revised “at the time of the presentation of the 2024 finance law”, said Wednesday the Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts, Thomas Cazenave.

Our economy is doing well. It is showing signs of solidity, which is good news for public finances. We continue to forecast 1% growth for 2023, in a complicated international context, declared Mr. Cazenave in an interview with Les Echos.

For 2024, however, we are seeing signs of fragility in certain economies such as Germany and China. Regarding next year’s growth, we will present our updated forecast at the time of the presentation of the 2024 finance law, he adds.

Among the measures planned to maintain the public deficit target (4.9% of GDP planned for this year), the Minister announced the cancellation, as of this year, of 5 billion euros in earmarked credits, in particular for aid intended for energy-intensive companies, which in the end did not need all the credits, and that’s good, he says.

We will do what is necessary to meet our objectives, even if it means going further in the cancellation of credits, warns Mr. Cazenave. In 2024, as we have committed ourselves to, we will also meet our deficit target of 4.4%, he underlines.

Before the vote in Parliament, elected officials from all sides will be received next Tuesday as part of the Bercy dialogues and Wednesday on the issues of the Social Security budget, recalls the minister.

We are ready to work on all avenues, but for that, everyone will have to come up with proposals, in particular for savings, according to him.

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