the investigation is progressing, the clues from his phone


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Eight months after the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, the investigation continues and new elements come to light it. The latest: a suspicious WhatsApp connection detected on the young woman’s phone the night of her disappearance.

While Delphine Jubillar remains untraceable and the investigation continues, new elements are noted. The main suspect in the case? Cédric Jubillar, remanded in custody for less than two months, on suspicion of the murder of his wife. The couple were going through a divorce and Delphine Jubillar had been in a relationship with another man for six months. If Cédric Jubillar continues to proclaim his innocence and deny his involvement in the disappearance of his wife, claiming that she fled with her lover to Spain, his version does not corroborate with the findings of the investigators.

New twist date: Tuesday August 17, The Dispatch revealed unpublished information. The nurse’s phone, reactivated several times during the night of December 15 to 16, wants to be a source of clues.

Suspicious connections on Delphine Jubillar’s laptop

A WhatApp connection at 12:11 am on December 16, 2020 and an activation of Delphine Jubillar’s phone camera just over an hour later, at 1:33 a.m., were reportedly detected. A question then arises: who is at the origin of these manipulations? Knowing that the last message sent by the mother would date from December 15, 2020 at 10:58 p.m., and that he was sent to her lover.

As a reminder, this is not the first time that investigators have detected suspicious connections on Delphine Jubillar’s phone. On February 9, 2021, around 9 p.m., his phone was also reactivated and a connection to his Facebook and Messenger accounts was noted without any conclusion being publicly drawn yet.

Read also : Cédric Jubillar: the details of his companion on the suspicious laundry

Towards the end of the mystery of this disappearance?

In September 2021, new operational research to try to find the body of Delphine Jubillar should resume in Cagnac-les-Mines. They promise to be decisive in view of the many elements of which the investigation now consists. The outcome could therefore arrive within a few weeks.

Jubillar affair: Cédric’s companion tells about his dark side

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