“The Marine Le Pen vote is taking maximum risk,” says Marcel Gauchet

Solene Delinger
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09:07, April 13, 2022

Marcel Gauchet was the guest of Europe 1 this Wednesday morning. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the philosopher and historian estimated that the Marine Le Pen vote constituted “maximum risk-taking” in comparison with the Emmanuel Macron vote, a guarantee of “stability”.

Who will elect the French in the second round of the presidential election? Marine Le Pen or Emmanuel Macron? For Marcel Gauchet, the choice will be between risk-taking, embodied by the Frontist candidate, who has never governed, and stability, carried by the outgoing president.

Ability to “compromise” and the “movement” of Macron

“With Emmanuel Macron, we know what we have”, underlines the philosopher at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk. “We have the status quo and compromise. There is a specific flexibility in Emmanuel Macron which is his ability to compromise and move in the face of unprecedented situations. This is a decisive advantage in the context. He will not implement his great project for the transformation of France. He no longer talks about it”.

“The feeling of anxiety is not conducive to adventure”

Unlike Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen has never governed. “So we don’t know what a Marine Le Pen government would be like. We don’t know what the possibility of implementing his program would give. It’s taking maximum risk,” considers Marcel Gauchet.

In an anxiety-provoking context on the international level with the war in Ukraine, the Marine Le Pen vote is less reassuring for the French. “The feeling of anxiety is not favorable to adventure”, analyzes the philosopher.

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