The Masked Singer: Which celebrity is under the Wuschel costume?

The first episode of the new season "The Masked Singer" is already history and again after the ProSieben show some big question marks remained on the faces of the audience. Above all, "The Wuschel", a fluffy, white costume without hands and huge eyes. Even in advance, the small size of only around 1.50 meters of the whisper made for a lot of conversation: Is the celebrity underneath extremely small? Is he possibly in a wheelchair?

After the first live appearance, however, it quickly became clear to the jury that, contrary to the appearance of the whisper, a rather tall person must be among them. At first it was speculated that it may be the short "crime scene" star Christine Ursprung (49) or the only 1.52 meter tall Jeanette Biedermann (40). After the performance of the Gnarls-Barkley hit "Crazy", however, it was clear that it had to be a man.

That is what the jury and the community type

It is suspected that the celebrity is sitting under the costume and so veils its true size. Juror Rea Garvey (46) guessed singer Adel Tawil (41), his colleague Ruth Moschner (43) on comedian Teddy Teclebrhan (36). On the other hand, completely different suggestions are circulating on the net. There is speculation about comedian Faisal Kawusi (28), CSU politician Theo Waigel (80) or singer Luca Hänni (25).

The community there currently has a very clear favorite on the official ProSieben site: More than 40 percent of all participants in the voting suspect the pop singer Mike Singer (20) under the Wuschel costume. Further clues will only be available on Tuesday, March 17th, from 8:15 p.m. on the second episode of the second season of "The Masked Singer".