The Mayor “wishes” that the energy performance diagnosis “be modified”

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, indicated on Monday that he “desires” a modification of the energy performance diagnosis to adapt in particular to “heating methods” and “the size of the surfaces”.

“You have owners who tell me, ‘but your thing is absurd, it favors gas heating rather than electric heating, it penalizes the small areas which are requested by students’. Let’s change the energy diagnosis since obviously it is not the right indicator », declared the minister, speaking to Sud Radio.

“I would like the energy performance diagnosis to be modified to take into account the biases it has today, both on the heating methods and on the size of the surfaces. We are here to bring solutions to people, not to bring problems,” he added.

“Don’t leave people in dead ends”

While recalling that the government’s draft budget for 2024 provides for the strengthening of the MaPrimeRenov’ system, Bruno Le Maire added that “we see that there are dead ends here and there, we cannot leave people in the impasses because it creates anxiety, and ecology should not be a source of anxiety but it must be a source of freedom and must allow everyone to adapt to global warming “.

The energy performance diagnosis (DPE), which classifies housing from A to G according to their energy consumption and their impact on the climate, is mandatory in housing intended to be inhabited. It is no longer based on energy bills but on the characteristics of the building (quality of insulation, type of windows, heating system, etc.).

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