the PS5 and Xbox Series update is here, the video rendering

That’s it, Cyberpunk 2077 is releasing its real version for next-gen consoles. Patch 1.5, which optimizes the game on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S can be downloaded now.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a bit of a roller coaster: major and unavoidable on PC, catastrophic on PS4 and Xbox One and no optimization on new-gen consoles (PS5, Xbox Series), a very complicated start for CD Projekt Red which has been attacked from all sides. The Polish studio has indeed had to juggle between requests for refunds from players for a product deemed unfinished, the withdrawal of the game from the PlayStation Store, complaints from lawyers and their investors, and of course the pressure to correct the situation. to restore their reputation.

Cyberpunk 2077 free update available on consoles

Countless patches have been rolled out to enhance the experience except the one that was supposed to bring the true next-gen version to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Series S, which was delayed and then stalled for Q1 2022. This commitment comes for worth being respected.

During a stream, CD Projekt Red announced the immediate availability of the PS5 and Xbox Series update for Cyberpunk 2077. On the program: dynamic 4K, ray-tracing, reduced loading times, a variety of visual improvements and techniques. On PlayStation 5, the DualSense controller with its adaptive triggers and haptic feedback have been taken into account.

As often, you will have to choose between several modes: “Performance” in dynamic 4K at 60fps and “Ray-tracing” in 4K 30fps on PS5 and Xbox Series X. On Xbox Series S, it’s simpler, it will be 1440p at 30fps without ray tracing. Regardless of the version, the quality of the SSR (Screen Space Reflection) will vary from mode to mode.

Patch 1.5 brings – on all platforms, including PC and Stadia – new weapons, options for V’s apartments, rebalancing of game systems (gameplay, loot and economy), improvements in shadows, the audio and the crowd. The huge patchnotes is online.

A free trial version

If you still need arguments, know that Cyberpunk 2077 is playable for free until March 15 at 5 p.m. on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

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