the recipe of Romain Gadais

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 1 black mullet from the Loire.
  • 1 bunch of green grapes.
  • Handmade sunflower oil.
  • Flower of salt.
  • 300 g of oyster mushrooms.
  • 100 g of fennel stems and sprigs.
  • Fresh herbs.
  • Fresh mushrooms (from Paris or enokis).

The preparation

Fillet the mullet, cut into thin slices. Press over the “verjuice” of a few immature grapes using a garlic press. Season with a dash of homemade sunflower oil and a pinch of fleur de sel.

Read also: Romain Gadais, fisherman: “To make better use of my fish, I created a cannery”

For the oyster mushroom crisps: Separate the oyster mushrooms from each other, lightly salt them. Arrange the mushrooms flat on a grid, put them to dry in the dehydrator or in the oven at the minimum temperature, for several hours.

For the fennel powder: proceed with the fennel stems and sprigs as for the oyster mushrooms. Once the fennel pieces are well dried and cooled, reduce to powder in a food processor.


Serve the ceviche with a few oyster mushroom chips, sprinkle with fennel powder and a few small fresh herbs (oxalis, mint, thyme, lemon, etc.) and possibly small fresh mushrooms. Enjoy chilled with a glass of Muscadet Zeste de Pierre-Henri Gadais.

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