the revolutionary brooch is late, but it will be compensated by a gift

The delivery of the Humane AI Pin, the device that wants to replace smartphones, will not take place on the planned date. As compensation, the creators of the brooch decided to offer a gift to all buyers.

Humane AI Pin

The future of wearable technology will not leave room for smartphones. In any case, this is what Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Chaudhri, former Apple employees and founders of Humane. The company has developed a device intended completely replace our phones And revolutionize our uses with great reinforcementsartificial intelligence. It’s about a pin without screen named Humane AI Pin. Pinned on your sweater or jacket, it can project text and symbols onto your hand. The latter controls actions with gesturesfor example changing tracks when playing a music playlist.

The other features of the AI ​​Pin mainly use voice, notably “Catch me up”. By saying this sentence, the AI ​​will go through your recent messages and show you a summary. Rather than rereading the conversation where your friends are discussing what to do this evening, you will read directly that “Pierre, Paul and Hélène will go to the J’ai Faim restaurant at 8:30 p.m. this evening”. Practical on paper, but you will have to try the device in a real situation to get an idea. Humane has rightly announced that we will have to wait longer than expected for this.

The Humane AI pin that wants to replace smartphones will be delayed

Sam Sheffer, employee at Humane, shared on his account X (Twitter) a video in which he gives news about the AI ​​Pin. We learn that the first copies will leave the manufacturing plant at the end of March. Normally, this is when buyers should have received their copy. The wait won’t be too long though: priority deliveries will begin in mid-April And “the others will follow shortly after“, without further details.

Surely to compensate for the delay, everyone who ordered an AI Pin will see offer the first 3 months of subscription to the Humane subscription. A promotion accessible until March 31. The “package” costs $24 monthly, in addition to the $699 to pay for the connected pin. It serves, among other things, to do without your smartphone completely with its own number or receive updates remotely.

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