The rule of 3 reveals which people you should avoid

Toxic relationships
The rule of 3 shows which people you should avoid

Not all people are good for you. It’s okay to let go from time to time.


You’ve probably found yourself in a situation where you didn’t know whether to forgive someone – or not. The rule of three should now help to make this decision easier.

Is it worth forgiving a person or am I just getting hurt again? This decision is not an easy one to make. Maybe it was just a white lie or a misstep that can happen to anyone? Or maybe someone hurt you a lot, but you still don’t want to lose them. What to do?

Forgive or keep your distance?

In life there are always people who are simply not good for you. But recognizing them is not easy. Harvard psychologist Dr. Martha Stout should now help!

Sources used: In-house production, agency material, “The Sociopath Next Door”


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