The Tomorrow Children will rise from the ashes this year as a Phoenix Edition

Q-Games, a studio founded by veteran Dylan Cuthbert, has never given up on the idea of ​​taking back the – short – destiny of its title. After years of negotiations, the developer managed to convince Sony to transfer the rights to his creation to him during the course of last year and has been working for its resurrection ever since. The Tomorrow Children: Phoenix Edition will therefore return to Sony consoles later this year, accompanied by several improvements aimed at delivering a copy that conforms to the intentions of its creators.

First novelty and not least: the multiplayer will now be based on a network peer to peer to ensure the continuity of the service. In addition, all micro-transactions will be abandoned, the game returning to a classic economic model. Added to that are the promises of new islands, a deeper tutorial as well as new items and, we’re told, ” new ways to play without specifying which ones. In any case, Q-Games wants to be reassuring and says that it relied on feedback from experienced players to correct its title: “ These many changes have allowed us to rebalance the game in exciting new directions, and I’m already looking forward to visiting player cities when we launch later this year! says Dylan Cuthbert in the studio press release.

A PS5 version is also planned. It should count on some clean improvements, probably technical. For the moment Q-Games does not advance on a precise release date but promises to communicate to us news regularly.

  • Also Read | The Tomorrow Children: Dylan Cuthbert tells how he got the license from Sony

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