The trick to always putting a fitted sheet the right way around

Changing the sheets can sometimes become a real struggle. To win against this tough opponent, here is a simple trick to put on your fitted sheet with your eyes closed.

Have you ever put off changing the sheets? You wouldn’t be the only one This hostile task can get on your nerves quickly, but a tip will make some part of your life easier and you will be freed from all frustration. With this technique you no longer have to compare which side of the sheet is the longest.

According to user Nolapatrona’s explanation on Reddit reported by Good Housekeeping, the secret to putting a sheet the right way would lie in one detail: the label. Indeed, “The corner with the label is always at the bottom right of your mattress”. And have we been missing this all this time?

Another strategy to avoid procrastination is printed matter. According to Good Housekeeping, user Overthemoon64 advises on Reddit to buy striped sheets. Once you learn the direction of the stripes is vertical or horizontal, you will never go wrong again. And what could be better for morale and health than sleeping in clean linen? For Carolyn Forte, director of the cleaning laboratory Good Housekeeping Institute, “the longest time you should wait before changing your sheets is two weeks”, she adds that if this is done in a “Weekly is even better”.

Read also : Here is how often you should (really) change your sheets

Some do not respect this frequency. As stated in one of our previous articles, a study conducted in the UK by Hammonds Furniture showed that 30% of those surveyed only wash their sheets once a year. However, this could lead to the appearance of mites and bedbugs, but also fungal infections and skin irritations.

And if you’re worried about damaging your sheet too quickly, you can prevent wear and tear by turning it 180 °. Thus, the label will pass from the left side to the bottom of your mattress. So there is no longer any reason to postpone the task.

See also: These tips to know to dry your bed linen when you don’t have much space

Lea Lecuyer

With Léa, curiosity is no longer a bad thing. Lifestyle journalist, she always has good advice to boost your well-being and keeps you informed of all the characteristics of your sign …