the ultimate trick for a free platinum trophy

Trophy hunters will be able to add a Platinum to their collection without even playing. A huge bug in a PS Plus game, available on PS5 and PS4, leads to the precious reward.

Last year, Sony Interactive Entertainment gave its PlayStation Store a major sweep. A household that had the goal of removing a whole pile of shovelware from the shop. Games without interest for players, but which were a real blessing for trophy hunters. The latter could very easily obtain Platinums in shambles thanks to these unsavory titles. If Sony has spelled the end of playtime at this level, a buggy PS5 and PS4 game is currently giving you a Platinum trophy. How ? We explain to you.

Get a Free Platinum Trophy on PS5 and PS4

Given the time-consuming nature of trophy hunting, any tricks that would make this task easier are good to take. The most common technique is to complete games that do not (really) look good. Titles that are often known for not being complicated to platinum. But there, another discovery was made.

Since this weekend, a discussion is very popular on the forums of PSNProfiles. Specifically in the PS5 and PS4 Stranded Deep soft sub-topic. The title is clear “Get a free Platinum before an update breaks the game”. StrandedDeep is a survival game, playable in solo or online co-op, where you must survive the wild after being stranded off the Pacific Ocean. A very buggy title according to Internet users.

Initially, a player was surprised to be able to unlock all the trophies without even having to meet the criteria. How ? It was enough for him to join the session of a survivor who obtained the PS5 or PS4 Platinum trophy. An isolated glitch? Absolutely not. Indeed, according to a multitude of testimonies, the Platinum of Stranded Deep can be unlocked by simply squatting the part of a player already in possession of the precious sesame. And it doesn’t matter if it was acquired “legitimately”, or via this nice bug that should persist. The last update dates back to May, and since then, no communication from the developers.

No need to search the seabed to get a free Platinum trophy on PS5 and PS4 (credits: Steam).

A trick that is all the rage

If you were a PS Plus subscriber in 2021, then surely you got Stranded Deep for free. It was one of the games offered at the time. For current PS+ Extra subscribers, it is part of the list of titles available through subscription. On PS5 or PS4.

This find spread like wildfire and the numbers speak for themselves. As of May 2022, 915 PSNProfiles users and 0.1% of total gamers have had Platinum from Stranded Deep. Except, with this glitch, it is now 2,442 PSNProfiles users and 0.3% of all players who have it (via PlayStationLifeStyle). Proof that it really works.

For those who do not have friends on hand to join a session, it is advisable to go through the list of servers. Spot someone with massive game time, then join. Logically, you should not wait long before unlocking all the trophies. Double check that this is the case, however, as the notifications will not necessarily be displayed.

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