"The Voice" 2021: Amel Bent ignored by a candidate, coaches taken aback: Current Woman The MAG

If some coaches are sometimes not tender with the candidates of The Voice, the episode aired on Saturday February 27, 2021 proved to us that the reverse is also possible! Indeed, on the set of the show TF1 in the fourth round of the blind auditions, coach Amel Bent took what some call "hurricane of the century"by a candidate. This is Jean José, a 65-year-old pensioner who came to perform the famous song by Tom Jones, It's not Unusual. Unfortunately, despite a very good performance, none of the jury members looked back; it is therefore not selected for the future. "Obviously it was great, I surrounded myself throughout the song, maybe two, three voices dropouts, which made me think that it was complicated (…) Everything was too faithful maybe to the song, I wasn't surprised ", Vianney explained to the unsuccessful candidate. After the speech of her colleague, Amel Bent, who had a big surprise in the last episode, also wanted certainly give a word of encouragement to the candidate … who then waved his hand to the jury before turning his heels!

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If Amel Bent attempted a "Hello Jean-José", the candidate simply answered "Goodbye" and got off the stage. "Well…", simply commented Amel Bent, before giggling, while Florent Pagny, compassionate, threw him"it is not serious". A simply hilarious sequence for viewers, many of whom spoke about this memorable moment on social media. Embarrassed, the coach simply said to her colleagues, just as dumbfounded: "He didn't have the time. And I say 'good evening José'! " Faced with the extent of this sequence on social networks, the coach of The Voice came back to this event on Instagram, admitting that she also burst out laughing in front of her screen … But according to her, the candidate has just took his "Good evening" for a "goodbye", which is indeed possible, since this word is used in both senses. We will never know what went through Jean-José's mind, but it was a good laugh!

Read also : "The Voice" 2021: Vanina, backing vocalist of Amel Bent, explains why she did not join her team